The Bold Voice of J&K

Society in ‘Virtual World’


Dear Editor,
Is today’s virtual world really preparing for the end of society and family? Have people become so fed up with informal institutions like family, marriage, kinship that they have lost faith in these institutions, or are these social institutions unable to properly discharge the roles they were created to perform? Have you been unable to? Information revolution and technological development have created an artificial world. A world where nothing is real, everything is virtual. Artificial societies, artificial humans, artificial relationships, artificial emotions, artificial intelligence, artificial beauty and even artificial life, artificial breathing and so on. As a result of this, living with virtual objects, man is getting away from real life. Everything in the virtual world is temporary, even social and close relationships are becoming temporary and artificial. Use these relations as long as they are useful, when they are no longer needed, end them. Actually today life has become as easy as a click of the computer. It is everything you want is delivered to you with a single click. It can be said that the new technology i.e. computer, smart-phone etc. are such people of the modern world who are ready to fulfill the orders of their masters as soon as they express their desire. The only difference is that the gin of the past used to be only in the stories of grandmothers, whereas today’s modern gin has become an integral part of the real world. The social scientist Habermas has also said that due to the unexpected progress in science and technology, the importance of reasoning is given day by day is decreasing. Now man’s rationality does not motivate him to move towards the goals, but only helps in accumulating the means. The result of this is that the modern technology made by man has made man himself his slave. Unfortunately, modern man is beginning to consider himself more independent than before, while the fact is that he is becoming more dependent than ever before. Sociologists will have to revise these definitions. Is today’s virtual world really preparing for the end of society and family? Have people become so fed up with informal institutions (family, marriage, kinship) that they have lost faith in these institutions, or have these social institutions been able to properly discharge the roles they were created to perform? Unable to get Social science researchers need to do research on these issues, so that there is a hidden cause-effect relationship behind them. By knowing them, efforts can be made to solve them. Here a big question arises that if one uses such technology to fill any deficiency then it can also be accepted to an extent such as artificial heart, artificial eye, artificial hand and leg etc. But in spite of having real society and real relationships, if individuals are moving towards virtual society and relationships, then it is a sign of mental bankruptcy. As a result, a new type of psychiatry is being seen in man. cyber space online New classifications of personality and offline personality have been put forward which give rise to new forms of schizophrenia. Here online personality means a person who is far away from reality. He spends his valuable time by staying online for unlimited time and goes away from social life or say real life and he starts looking for his partner and happiness in the virtual world itself. The question is whether virtual world can be a better option to escape the problems of current society and life. Is it? The answer would be, probably no. Then it is necessary that only the real society should be made livable and ways should be found to deal with the challenges arising in it. Running away from a problem or challenge is not the solution to the problem, but trying to solve them collectively can be the only permanent solution. There is still time to stop yourself from being a part of this technology guided world. It is said that it is good if man controls technology, but when technology starts controlling man; his Existence begins to be challenged. Therefore, there is a need to replace the virtual relationships with the real world and real relationships so that this society can be re-lived and worth living.

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