The Bold Voice of J&K

Impasse of PM Package Employees


Dear Editor,
There is lot of resentment among the PM package employees as the government is not paying any heed towards their demand of relocation outside the Kashmir valley. The agitating package employees are not demanding anything impractical to the government. These unfortunate and hapless employees are only requesting and begging for their survival as they feel threatened in Kashmir. However, due to targeted killings in the valley, the working condition for PM package employees is not good and they won’t like to serve in Kashmir anymore. It is very ironical that the LG’s administration and the centre govt has turned a complete blind eye towards their demand of relocation outside the Kashmir valley. The PM package employees are protesting from the last 35 days in the most democratic and constitutional way but till date the government is not paying heed towards their one point demand of relocation. The government seems to be reluctant to address their main demand of relocation outside the Kashmir valley. It is very sad that these PM package employees are being deprived of their basic rights of life with dignity as guaranteed under Article 21 of the Indian constitution. It is also in place to mention here that these package employees can’t work in Kashmir under the perpetual threat of gun wielding terrorists and thus rightly are they demanding temporary adjustments outside the Kashmir till normalcy prevails in Kashmir permanently. There is a sense of insecurity and fear among these Package employees as some terrorist organisations are circulating threat letters against KPs on various social media platforms. The clouds of uncertainty are looming large over these Package employees as their future is on stake in Kashmir. It is high time now that government must listen to the woes of protesting PM package employees and must concede to their genuine demand of relocation outside Kashmir valley and other safer places of India.
Vivek Koul,

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