The Bold Voice of J&K

Time ripe to disallow communal polarisation


Omkar Dattatray

The communal narrative that is being built in the country through the different Television channels and debates is creating the communal flare-up which is a very dangerous trend and it should not be allowed and should be halted as it is alien to our culture .The communal atmosphere which is being built through various issues is against our plural and secular ethos and as such has no place in our country .India is a multi religious , multi culture , multi lingual and multi dimensional country and communal tensions and flare ups are unacceptable and therefore should not take place at all .In our multi religious country and society the communal tensions and disturbances are not needed as it tarnishes our secular image in the comity of the nations and therefore these communal tensions and consequent disturbances are unacceptable .In different states of our country the Hindu-Muslim and Mandir-Masjid issues are unfortunately been raised and raked to foment communal trouble which should not be allowed as it amounts to assault on the secular fabric of the nation .The way communal tensions ,communal narrative and consequent communal disturbances are taking place in the country is against the secularism and our plural ethos and so these should not be allowed in the country .The communal atmosphere and tension in different parts of the country has the potential of disturbing the communal harmony and brotherhood and as such these should be given a go bye so that we are able to preserve the secular and plural fabric.
Unity in diversity is the unique feature of our multi religious country and we should maintain the characteristic of unity in diversity at all costs so that the diversity of this land called Bharat is maintained.
But the way communal tension and communal narrative as well as the consequent communal disturbance are engineered in various parts of the country is very dangerous as it hits at the very root of this great nation.
We should not allow these communal tensions and disturbances as these are against the pristine values of this glorious nation and are alien to our very ethos and culture.
The ugly scenes of communal tensions and disturbances will create undesirable conditions of national disintegration and therefore before it is too late these communal disturbances should be halted in the interest of the country.
It seems that under a well planned conspiracy the communal tensions and flare ups are engineered in various parts of the country to weaken the secular character of the country and therefore such communal tensions and the resultant communal disturbances cannot be allowed in the country which swears by the non violence and upholds the secular character of the country.
But the communal happenings in various parts of the country are shameful and against the very idea of India and therefore should not be allowed to pollute our multi religious society.
It is a matter of grave concern that on non issues and flimsy grounds the communal tension and communal disturbances are being created to tarnish our secular image in the international arena and as such these communal tensions have no place in our multi religious society and therefore these should not be allowed to pollute our multi religious character.
Day in and day out the communal tensions and disturbances are being engineered in different parts of the country to hamper our march on the path of secularism and it is a big threat to our country and so this should be disallowed being alien to our very cultural ethos.
Under a well nit plan a conspiracy is being hatched to destroy our secular image and for this communal tensions and disturbances are being given birth throughout the length and breadth of this vast but unified country which is a big shame for the countrymen and we should not allow it for keeping the country united.
It is very unfortunate and shameful that on non issues the communal tensions and disturbances are being created to spoil our secular and plural image and we should unite to disallow this dangerous trend for the sake of the unity of the country.
The raising of the ugly head of the communal monster throughout the country is very condemnable and deplorable and it should not be allowed at any cost and we should unite to defeat the gait of communalism and consequent communal disturbances in various parts of the country which are alien to our very cultural legacy and heritage and so should be discouraged for the sale of the national unity.
It is so disturbing and sad that the country is heading towards disunity due to communal tension and consequent communal disturbances in various parts of the country and it is a sad commentary on the secular ethos of the nation and should be disallowed.
Lately a dangerous trend of the communal tensions and communal disturbances are taking birth in the country which is a shame for the countrymen and should not happen and tarnish our plural image in the comity of the nations.
It is very sad and unbecoming that on flimsy grounds and non issues communal tensions and disturbances are being engineered in various parts of the country which hints towards a situation of the civil war in the country and as such is very dangerous for the country and so it should be discouraged for the sake of the national cohesion and national unity.
It is the responsibility of the majority community to protect the interests and life and security of the minority community and the minority community should also respect the religious sentiments of the majority community.
But the Muslim minority of India is becoming intolerant as the fringe elements among this community are hell bent to create communal atmosphere in the country on various non issues concerning this community.
The minorities throughout the country are uniting to give a fight to the nationalism and Hindutva and this is very sad indeed and the minorities are creating law and order situation for the country.
There is no minority complex in the minority community but the sad fact is that the majority community feels the minority complex which is a unique phenomenon and this should be rectified for the sake of the welfare of the country .India is a largest democracy and here all its citizens have a right to protest for any wrongs done to it and religious freedom is guaranteed by our constitution and when the religious right is denied or when any controversial remark is unfortunately made by any person ,then the community affected has every right to protest.
In the instant case of the showing of any dishonour to the Prophet Mohammad by the now dismissed BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal which is very unfortunate ,the Muslims have a right to peaceful protest as the religious sentiments of the minority community are involved.
They are welcome to have the peaceful protest but they have no right to take law in to their hands and create a law and order situation in the country.
The Muslim community is within their right to protest but creating serious law and order situation is not acceptable.
India goes by and is governed by the constitution and not by the Sharia law and so the Muslims should not demand what is not possible in India.
The BJP has expelled both the persons who are involved in the blasphemous comment in a T.V channel debate and the Muslim community should appreciate this action of the BJP and not ask for anything which is impossible.
The FIR has been filed against the duo and the law of the land will take its course on this issue.
But the way protests throughout the country are taking place and way law is being taken into its hands by the Muslim community is unacceptable.
The minority community is creating communal trouble through its protests and this cannot be allowed in the country.
No one or community will be allowed to vitiate the communal atmosphere in the country and the rule of the law will be supreme .Those protesting should know that they are the citizens of a secular democracy and are governed by the laws of the land and they should desist to take the law into their hands.
The majority community and the government also disapproves what has been said by the two BJP office bearers and they had been expelled from the party by the BJP and the case against them have been filed in the police as the FIR has been filed against them.
The Muslims should also appreciate the action taken by the BJP against its office bearers and they should trust the law of the land and the duo will face the judiciary in this case.
Anyway no one should be allowed to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere in the country and the communal tension and disturbance has no place in the plural country .We should protect the Ganga-Jammni Tehsib in the country at all costs and respect the sentiments of the Muslims.
(The author is a columnist and social activist).

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