The Bold Voice of J&K



The need of the time is to raze down the terror edifice completely as the Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has asserted that the terrorists and their cross-border supporters are using new methods of terrorism in the region. Since youths are being radicalized as never before in the UT, the need of the time is to counter the strategy of Pakistan and its stooges in India to destroy their entire eco-system. The new challenges as far as security is concerned are far more complex and typical that a totally different approach is required to neutralize the threats which are looming large from across the border and in the hinterland. There is a need to be extra cautious as compared to the past because the terrorism today has turned multifaceted with even a social media message becoming a dangerous tool to harm the society by creating tension and even igniting violence which has been seen many a time with the latest one in Doda District, where the administration was forced to take strict actions to control the situation. In this regard, LG has given strict directions to police to treat even those who harbour and support the terror mongers in the category of terrorists and deal with them accordingly. This is a must for containing terrorism because under the guise of innocent people, the supporters of terrorists at times do more harm than the actual perpetrators of terror incidents. The government should ask the security forces to devastate the terror edifice as soon as possible because what is left in J&K is residual terrorism as all the so-called commanders of the terror outfits had been eliminated by the security forces in the last few years. LG Sinha’s assertion that the country has been a victim of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism for years, and though the security forces have been able to largely dismantle their ecosystem, there’s still a handful who are responsible for most killings in the region is true to the hilt and therefore the main focus of security forces should be to eliminate the last terror monger in line in the Valley to fully sanitize the UT of J&K and restore lasting peace.

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