The Bold Voice of J&K

How long will bloodshed continue in Kashmir?


Omkar Dattatray

Unfortunately the blood-bath is continuing in Kashmir without any signs of respite as the Islamic terrorists are killing innocent civilians as well as the security forces in order to create fear and scarce among the minorities. The Hindu minorities are being killed continuously under a well nit plan to cleanse the Kashmir valley of all the infidels to put it in the terminology of the Jehadists. The mischievous objective of the terrorists is to scare minorities and soft targets among Muslims so that fear psychosis is created to force the Hindus including Kashmiri Pandits to leave Kashmir. The nationalistic and patriotic Muslims are also targeted and killed in order to pressurise them to think of leaving the valley. The dastardly killings of the innocent people belonging to Kashmiri Pandits and other Hindu minorities are carried out in broad day light and the vulnerable people are killed with sadistic pleasure by the terrorists under the directions from across the border. The heinous killings by terrorists are continuing unabated in various parts of Kashmir valley and the innocent people including men, women and children are becoming soft targets of the terrorists and are being killed and some children injured to create fear and scare among the targeted groups of people and the children. No day passes without the killings of the unarmed civilians and lately the terrorists have changed their modus operandi and they are now targeting the Kashmiri Pandits including the package employees and other Hindu minorities as well as the nationalist Muslims so that the gap between the New Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir widens further and there is mistrust among people. The continuous targeted killing is a cause of grave concern to the administrators and the Hindu minorities who continue to be made soft targets by the terrorists. It is very sad and unbecoming that the terrorists have brutally killed PM package employees Rahul Bhat in the Tehsil office where the deceased was working as a junior assistant from more than eight years. It is very sad that Rahul Bhat was selectively killed by the gun wielding marauders to create the 1990 like situations in Kashmir. He was an honest employee and was working very hard and was also taking office files to his camp residence and it is very disturbing that he was murdered before the crowded Tehsil office without any fault and without any remorse by the terrorists. Some months earlier, Deepak Chand a Hindu teacher was shot dead in his school near Srinagar along with the woman Principal Satinder Kour and their killing was condemned by one and all and sent shock waves throughout the UT and the package employees demanded foolproof security for their lives and for performing their duties. The insensitive LG administration assured full security to the Pandit Package employees after these dastardly killings. But the assurances of providing full security proved hallow when another Pandit package employee was shot dead by the terrorists in his Tehsil office and this brought pall of gloom in the Pandit community particularly to the package employees who are now scared and are on agitation and protest from May 12, the day of the assassination of Rahul Bhat. This killing was widely condemned by the political parties and by the PAGD and all right thinking people across the spectrum. The Package employees are demanding their relocation outside the Kashmir valley to safer places so that their life, limb and dignity are saved. But the insensitive LG administration and the centre BJP government are paying no heed to the genuine demand of the package employees and these employees are now threatening their mass migration. But the height of the matter is that the LG administration is keeping these unfortunate and hapless employees and their families locked in camps and they are made hostages by the government and it is shameful. It is very unfortunate that BJP is busy in celebration of the completion of eight years of its rule and it its ministers have not made a single tweet to condemn the killings of the Pandits and other Hindu minorities and its ministers have no time to meet the agitating package employees. It is very disturbing that this year 16 Kashmiri Pandits have been killed and the killings are continuing. The killing of the Police constable Fayaz Ahmad Thoker when he was on leave at home exposes the claims of the BJP government and the LG administration of saying that all is normal in the valley. Then the killing of the Police man Safaullah Quadri and injury to his nine year old daughter had shook the union territory as in this case even small girl was not spared and this shows how brute the terrorists are and how low they have stooped. This incident has brought shock waves throughout the UT and it has created fear among the state police whose policemen are being killed without any break. Hardly have the people and the families of the martyred police men recovered from the gruesome tragedies’, a women artist namely Amreen Bhat was killed in her house in Budgam district and her nephew was wounded. The killing of this women artist brought shock waves throughout the UT and the people are demanding that the terrorists responsible for the killing of the women artist should be identified and given exemplary punishment. The scares of the people have not filled, the terrorists again stooped too low and this time Hindu women teacher namely Rajni Bala was murdered near his school in village Gopalpora of kulgam. The killing of the Hindu minority women teacher has brought a pall of gloom in the UT and the package employees are demanding their relocation outside the Kashmir in safer places where they can perform their duties. The dastardly Killing of the Hindu women teacher near her school has exposed the tall and false claims of the BJP government and the LG administration of Kashmir being normal. The fact is that the killings of the soft targets and the selective e killings of the innocent people are continuing without any break and the centre government and the LG administration seems to be in deep slumber and these heinous killings have no effect upon the BJP government of centre and the UT administration of Jammu and Kashmir and they continue to parrot the false narrative of normalcy in Kashmir. It is so sad that while on one hand the innocent people of the minority community are being targeted and killed but on the other hand the BJP government of the centre is busy in inauguration of the projects in Himachal Pradesh to attract the prospective voters as the elections of the state assembly are round the corner and the BJP has no time to address the genuine demand of the package employees and other Hindu employees working in Kashmir. It is so unfortunate that the BJP is only using the Kashmiri Pandit card as a vote catching device and they have no concern for the continuous killings of the minorities in Kashmir. The BJP has done nothing for the uprooted Pandit community except the shallow promises and assurances and it has always used the community for gaining elections state after state and in fact BJP uses Kashmiri Pandits as per its convenience and dumps them when not needed. The BJP is only experimenting with the exiled Pandits and only assures them fake return and rehabilitation which is nothing than a myth. The UT’s administration only gives fake assurances of fool proof security to the package employees but their claims of everything normal in Kashmir has punctured as there is no semblance of any normalcy in Kashmir where people are being killed without any respite. The terrorists are striking at their will and after executing the killings mingle with the people and hence remain unidentified. The LG government should change its slake and stale policy of combating the terrorists and infuse new blood and spirit in the security forces and give them full powers of neutralize terrorists so that the terrorists will not dare again to strike at their will. There are no takers of the normalcy narrative of the BJP and the UT government as the people continue to be killed on more or less daily basis and thus bursting the normalcy theory of the BJP. Enough is enough and the government should act sincerely and fast to eliminate the terrorism from Jammu and Kashmir so that peace prevails there and all the people including the Hindu minorities will feel secure to live and work in Kashmir. But for normalcy the government has to work very hard to break the back of the terrorism so that there are no killings of the soft targets and the nationalist Muslims. The land of Sufisim and composite culture is socked with the innocent human blood and necessary steps should be taken by the government to strike the roots of terrorism and break the eco system of the terrorism so that the killings are halted. Thus no more human blood should be allowed to be spilled in future. It is so sad that the myth of Kashmiriyat has busted because the Hindu minorities are being targeted without any remorse by the terrorists and the land of Kashmir is wet by the innocent human blood and this blood spilling should now stop. The million dollar question is, Aur Kitna Khoon Bahega?
(The author is a Columnist and
Social Activist).

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