PHE daily wagers demand early release of pending salaries
DODA: A meeting of PHE daily wagers was held under the chairman ship of Mohd Saleem Wani Chairman Chenab Valley PHE daily wager Association in which President, Vice President and Stage Secretary, Advisor Altaf Hussain, Mushtaq Ahmed, Rajesh and Sayed Ahmed besides other participants expressed their views in presence of the media.
The said officials of the association stated that the government has not woken up from its deep slumber till date even the minister concerned and Finance Minister who had promised to release the salary of previous five months on the eve of Idul-Fittar, it seems nothing has moved forward. It transpires that he high ups in the administration and department are not caring for their poor employees. It was quite astonishing that when an order of allotment of funds issued by Chief Engineer PHE Department was shown before media an amount of Rs. 33.34 was allotted to Doda Distt. whereas the strength of C.P. Workers is 1,418 , meaning that pay for only ten days is to be given per individual.
The meeting concluded with a firm resolution that if the pay as per promise i.e five months is not released before Id festival an overwhelming protest will start from the Chenab Valley region extending throughout the State consequences of which would rest upon the government and the concerned department.