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10 fruits and vegetables that are good for people with hypertension

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tumblr_inline_my2tfqmbFk1r1aqjjHere is a list of easily available fruits and veggies that will help you out in lowering your raised blood pressure with no side effects.

Five tasty fruits to beat hypertension
Bananas – Bananas are the most common and easily available fruits that are loaded with potassium, a mineral whose shortage is found to trigger hypertension. Also, potassium is found to flush out the harmful effects caused by excess of sodium by acting as a powerful diuretic agent thereby preventing as well as lowering blood pressure.
Citrus fruits – Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, etc are full of phytonutrients and bioflavonoids along with possessing high levels of potassium, vitamin and dietary fibre. These fruits not only exert anti-inflammatory effect but also help in lowering cholesterol levels as well as high blood pressure levels.
Papaya – This fruit not only contains good quantities of potassium and magnesium but is also rich in flavonoids, which quantitatively result in decreasing your hypertension.
Berries – Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are packed with potassium and anthocyanin (flavonoid compound) that not only cut the risk of hypertension but also lowers high blood pressure levels in the body.
Avocado – Avocados contain potassium that regulates sodium-potassium balance in addition to a fatty alcohol called avocadene that is found to be effective in decreasing your high blood pressure levels.

Five healthy Veggies for hypertensives
Potatoes – Potatoes as well as sweet potatoes are low in sodium content and high in potassium making them a perfect food for reducing the raised blood pressure levels. Also, magnesium present in good quantities helps in promoting proper blood flow and maintenance of proper mineral balance in the body.
Leafy veggies – Many dark green and leafy veggies like spinach, lettuce and spring greens are found to be high in magnesium, dietary fibre and potassium; which act collectively in maintaining blood pressure levels to normal.
Beetroot – It is been reported that a glass of beet juice has the power to reduce your blood pressure levels in a span of few hours after consumption. This is because, it is rich in nitrate and potassium that are the key factors responsible for control of hypertension.
Peas and beans – While soybeans are excellent source of the two important blood pressure lowering minerals namely potassium and magnesium, proteins present in peas are found to exert blood pressure lowering effect in the body.

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